Request Please help me make my channel better


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Aug 29, 2017
South Africa
Hi guys,
About a year ago I created a YouTube channel.
The goal was to make a gaming channel where I could share my experiences with others around the world and perhaps one day make a secondary income from it.
I have made progress over the last year and made a few improvements to my channel and content.

I joined freedom so that I can learn from others and keep getting better.
I would love some comments and positive criticism on my channel and content.
In particular to my branding, the look of the channel, thumbnails etc.
I would like to perfect everything from the bottom up and finally only have to work on the content and the continuous improvement thereof.

Anyway, that is me and my short term goal.
Thank you for reading and assisting.


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Feb 18, 2017
Your banner and logo look good. Thumbnails could do with a bit of work. Your intro is great. Your videos are funny but you need to speak a bit louder and with more enthusiasm.

Thats all, I hope I helped.

TimeOut Corner

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jan 10, 2015
Channels pretty goo dyou have playlists and as stated above good logo. I personally like Xcom and games like it so thats always good.


Active Member
Freedom! Member
May 18, 2017
Your channel looks nice, I don't see an intro trailer on your 'Home' tab (unless I missed something) so would be good if there was one.

Nice that you like XCOM, one of the legendary franchises from the 1990s golden age of video gaming. Remember those days, anyone?

Your commentary is good, and overall your channel is fine for the most part. Just the missing intro trailer, that's about it.

All the best!


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
ok so when I give a review I am 100% honest its nothing agents you or your content this is just the way I am because if I'm not honest then it won't do you anything to help you so now that's out the way lets get started

your banner looks good I do like it and I like how it is also on your twitter but the twitter one looks like it was just stretched out to fit it so its a bit blurry best way to solve that is to remake it in the size for Twitter,

your thumbnails are pretty dull they don't pop off the page and the text is hard to read putting your logo on the thumbnail is good but try to have a png version of it instead the white part of the logo don't go with the rest of the thumbnail

I watched a bit of your latest video first thing I notice is that it's really long now I don't know if its meant to be that long because of the game I haven't played it before but if there are moments where your not talking you should edit that out of the video which will cut how long the video turns out I also noticed you were saying eeerr and errmm a lot say in your trying to think you should also edit that out of your videos if your able to

your mic I don't know if your using your headphones for your mic but you may want to look into getting something like a blue snowball or blue yeti as I and when your doing commentary you should talk louder and more clear as well as being energetic

OH and one last thing your intro is too long it's a nice intro but its too long you have a few seconds to make people wanna stay on your video you need to come out swinging so to speak

I hope this review helps mate
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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 4, 2016
Looking at your channel, I see you put a lot of effort into it, the one thing I would suggest is just working on thumbnails, the font in them could be better (or less) too much text isnt that great for a thumbnail, its meant for imagery, something that someone will look at and be compelled to click on
As far as your logo or banner, they look pretty okay, however the logo looks more like its for a brand or company as oppose to a youtube channel or an individual/personality, but it still looks good
And the videos I think are fine, the quality is pretty decent, your mic is really clear and the video quality is nice as well
Just one last thing as a suggestion is work on your main home page of your channel, when I click on your channel as a new person whos not subscribed the first thing i see is a list of your uploads and then popular uploads then your created playlists, this isnt bad but its always good to have a channel trailer, a nice well put together and thought out video that will automatically play when new people come to your channel and it'll make them want to continue to come back and watch more videos
Thats all I can really say about your channel now, overall I'd say you're doing a pretty good job with your videos themselves, keep it up! Hope this helped :)


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
I have now changed the way I do thumbnails.
Use the last 4 videos as examples.
Are they better or worse?
What do you use to make your thumbnails? the best way to know if they look good is to zoom out to about 20% and look on youtube for what you're trying to rank for and to see if your thumbnails pop out more than there before using it.


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
I got photopad image editor.
Since it is free, that is the one I am using for now.
ok so I looked up the main title of your latest video on youtube and your thumbnails blend into what is already there, so because of this its gonna be a lot harder to get that click be sure to look at other thumbnails on what your trying to rank for and see what there using and then try to make yours look better than theres :)