Request Please review my channel trailer.


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
  1. Your first 10 seconds: You have your entire first 10 seconds covered with an intro. The first 10 seconds are what makes and breaks an audience. If you aren't adding something interesting in the first 10 seconds, viewer abandonment may be increased by a lot.
  2. Listing the games you play: You might want to list the games you play in the beginning. You started off with COD, slowly went over to GTA and mentioned Minecraft only in the beginning. When looking at your channel I saw you were doing vlogs too. Where are they in that channel trailer?
  3. SEO: As of your SEO, you need some better tags for that trailer maybe. Why not add COD, Minecraft, GTA or some more to your tags?
  4. Sound and video quality: Your sound is a bit too quiet I think. Your video quality is great!
I am not a great reviewer, I hope I've given you some useful points nevertheless. Great trailer all in all!