Offering Reviews for Freedom!


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Please note that there will be no reviews on this post any longer. See this video on where to get new reviews (in video form):
I may do a post on the Reviews section allowing you to participate in there as well.

To get a review on your channel, post in the replies of this post. Eventually inlude a channel link too. I make lengthy reviews that I hope help some of you out.

Not much to say here, just here to help you guys grow.
So what are you waiting for? Ask for a review down below and you'll get one.

I will mostly be going through Metadata, About section, channel page, trailer, GFX, upload schedule and a bit more.

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Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Review my channel. tell my what you think about it
Okay. I'm gonna be writing this one on my phone, meaning it'll probably get long.

(Disclaimer: These reviews are honest and I'll express what I think you should improve on. If I stomp a channel to the ground don't take it as a personal attack. I'll tell you what you should do and hope you take it into consideration. It's for your own growth.)

There will be areas where I'll just write "Reserved". I'll replace them when on my PC. Check back on them in 24 hours.

So let's go.
  • Channel page. Your channel page is the first thing people will see when they check your channel out. To keep them inside of your channel, you need to fill it with information about your channel and with your videos. When I've looked at your channel I didn't see much sadly. There's no playlists on your channel page besides YouTube's auto generated ones. Fill it up with your content and get rid of the liked videos playlist. That just drives people away from your channel.
  • Thumbnails: your thumbnails were really good a year ago. While I think you could improve at their graphics, back then they were consistent and I knew what I would click. Now your thumbnails are just an image that's default and the video title. And they aren't consistent. I often say this when reviewing channels on discord, but a consistent thumbnail is the bread and butter to most YouTubers's success. Your current thumbnails are not catching someone's eye when they see it. Try putting a bit more time into them. Possibly put your channel logo in the corner or something like that. Get creative. Also, what's really helped me personally is looking at the thumbnails of popular YouTubers that make similar content to yours. Try getting some inspiration.
  • Playlists: I've been on your channel page and said something similar to put playlists there. When looking at your channel's playlists... JESUS CHRIST. Make playlists. Your only playlist is the CSGO playlist. You have a lot of minecraft on your channel, make a playlist for that! You have tutorials, make a playlist for that! You have commentaries, make a playlist for that!
  • SEO (Tags, etc) Reserved, can't check it on mobile
  • Links: Why only a freedom referral link? Add Twitter, Facebook, instagram and a few more! If you don't want to administrate them all separately, use epoxy, a free tool for freedom partners. It's easy to use and you'll find tutorials on it on the freedom YouTube channel thanks to @fattmat . It's important to have links on your channel and to use social media like Twitter or Facebook.
I'll probably still edit this when back on my PC. I hope it helped. If you need more help, send me a direct message on here or ask me on Twitter @lw_001 .


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Hello boi. Please review my channel, I am a small YouTube with not a lot of subs. I want to improve! :)

I'll start with your channel. Enable the custom layout as shown here:
After doing that, make a channel trailer and put it on display.

Though on to the other points:
  • Playlists: You have a ton of playlists on your channel, which is really good. After doing the thing shown above, definitely add your playlists to it.
  • Thumbnails: Wow. Your thumbnails look really professional. Though as said before. I like to be extremely nippicky and that's why I'll go into them a bit. Your one geometry dash thumbnail has text on it that's really hard to read. Always remember when making thumbnails that they have to be clearly readable even on a really scaled down version.
  • SEO Reserved again, check back on this post in 24 hours when I'm on my PC as I can't check tags from my phone.
  • Featured Channels: Get rid of yours. People get triggered over politics and talking about politics is considered Internet suicide. Just don't man.
  • About Section: Do you have a set upload schedule? Put it in there. People actually read that.
  • Links: Try adding a couple more links. Twitter is a good start, G+ is... Just why? And your patreon redirect doesn't work.

Your channel art is really good, my main problem is the channel design. Definitely change that. I hope to see you grow in the future! :)


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Aug 16, 2016
Sure thing man! Thanks for the review!
I will fix the channel design and remove those bloody politics off my channel... lol
Also, I upload about 5 times a week, so I will include that as well!
Thanks once again, have a great day!


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jun 26, 2015
Review my channel. tell my what you think about it
Okay. I'm gonna be writing this one on my phone, meaning it'll probably get long.

(Disclaimer: These reviews are honest and I'll express what I think you should improve on. If I stomp a channel to the ground don't take it as a personal attack. I'll tell you what you should do and hope you take it into consideration. It's for your own growth.)

There will be areas where I'll just write "Reserved". I'll replace them when on my PC. Check back on them in 24 hours.

So let's go.
  • Channel page. Your channel page is the first thing people will see when they check your channel out. To keep them inside of your channel, you need to fill it with information about your channel and with your videos. When I've looked at your channel I didn't see much sadly. There's no playlists on your channel page besides YouTube's auto generated ones. Fill it up with your content and get rid of the liked videos playlist. That just drives people away from your channel.
  • Thumbnails: your thumbnails were really good a year ago. While I think you could improve at their graphics, back then they were consistent and I knew what I would click. Now your thumbnails are just an image that's default and the video title. And they aren't consistent. I often say this when reviewing channels on discord, but a consistent thumbnail is the bread and butter to most YouTubers's success. Your current thumbnails are not catching someone's eye when they see it. Try putting a bit more time into them. Possibly put your channel logo in the corner or something like that. Get creative. Also, what's really helped me personally is looking at the thumbnails of popular YouTubers that make similar content to yours. Try getting some inspiration.
  • Playlists: I've been on your channel page and said something similar to put playlists there. When looking at your channel's playlists... JESUS CHRIST. Make playlists. Your only playlist is the CSGO playlist. You have a lot of minecraft on your channel, make a playlist for that! You have tutorials, make a playlist for that! You have commentaries, make a playlist for that!
  • SEO (Tags, etc) Reserved, can't check it on mobile
  • Links: Why only a freedom referral link? Add Twitter, Facebook, instagram and a few more! If you don't want to administrate them all separately, use epoxy, a free tool for freedom partners. It's easy to use and you'll find tutorials on it on the freedom YouTube channel thanks to @fattmat . It's important to have links on your channel and to use social media like Twitter or Facebook.
I'll probably still edit this when back on my PC. I hope it helped. If you need more help, send me a direct message on here or ask me on Twitter @lw_001 .

Thanks for the feedback I will try to do my best to improve.


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Let's do this bad boy.
(Disclaimer: These reviews are honest and I'll express what I think you should improve on. If I stomp a channel to the ground don't take it as a personal attack. I'll tell you what You should do and hope you take it into consideration. It's for your own growth.)
So from what I've seen on your channel you are working on expanding your content. While you don't have much content for the time being, try making the most out of what you currently have. Most of these tips will be targeted towards that.
  • Channel page: your channel page is what makes people subscribe to your channel and watch more of your videos. You want to show off your content the best way possible on this one page. Think of it as a storefront. You have a bit of understanding about the playlists on your channel page, but there has to be more. It needs to be filled. Firstly, put a no man's sky playlist on there. Next up, change your clash royale playlist to display in horizontal lines to fill it up a bit. Next up, make a channel trailer! Tell your audience what you do on your channel to show that you're worth the subscription.
  • Channel banner: Your banner looks really good, the only thing I'd advise here is that you put your Usernames for each social media under the respective Icons, as I couldn't find you on Twitter or Facebook just by seeing the logos on your banner.
  • Thumbnails: There's a few really good ones you have, especially the 2 latest ones, but the ones (CR look alikes, How to win any game, my best deck have red text that disturbs the image and can't even be seen well. Recently though you've started putting blue text below it which looks way better.
  • Playlists: make more playlists. No man's sky, paragon,...
  • About Section: You're the first person I've reviewed that has it filled! :) Though maybe add an upload schedule if you can make one.
  • Links: Make. More. Links. You have Twitter, but add some more stuff! Facebook, Instagram, anything!
I hope you'll try improving where I told you to and I'll be happy to see you grow in the future!


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
I wouldn't mind a review. Thanks for doing it!
Also just as a note, my upload schedule is all sorts of messed up mostly becuase of being swamped with work.
(Disclaimer: These reviews are honest and I'll express what I think you should improve on. If I stomp a channel to the ground don't take it as a personal attack. I'll tell you what You should do and hope you take it into consideration. It's for your own growth.)
Sooo. Your channel looks really professional to start off. But it wouldn't be a review of mine without extra improvements.
  • Channel banner: Your banner looks really good but sadly the Check Out... part on the right is out of the banner so I can't read it. Try moving that in a bit or remove it.
  • Thumbnails: What I love seeing on your channel is the consistent branding template. It's also funny how you seem to have noticed that putting it on the right bottom corner was a terrible idea :p Keep that branding up though!
  • Channel page: I think you've understood how that page works. The only thing I'd improve on though would be swapping out popular uploads with speed arts playlists. Make the Speed arts appear on top of the channel in a vertical list and put popular videos on the bottom in a horizontal fashion.
  • About Section: perfect.
  • Links: Good.
Not much to say here, the channel is pretty good.


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
I'd love a review if you are still doing them :D thank you
Of course I still do them!
(Disclaimer: These reviews are honest and I'll express what I think you should improve on. If I stomp a channel to the ground don't take it as a personal attack. I'll tell you what You should do and hope you take it into consideration. It's for your own growth.)
Well, that's a nice channel you have there! As it was above, it's good as it is and I'll just make a couple of suggestions again.
  • Banner: Your banner is great and really fits your channel style. Move the social media names a bit to the left though as I can't see them fully.
  • Playlists: You have a ton of well organized playlists on your channel page, but remove your name from their names. When I see them on your channel I already know whose playlists I'll see.
  • Thumbnails: Large text, colorful, perfect.
  • About Section: Has an upload schedule, a channel description, social links, great.
Your channel has pretty much everything already. Have a good day!


Graphic Designer
Freedom! Member
Feb 20, 2015
(Disclaimer: These reviews are honest and I'll express what I think you should improve on. If I stomp a channel to the ground don't take it as a personal attack. I'll tell you what You should do and hope you take it into consideration. It's for your own growth.)
Sooo. Your channel looks really professional to start off. But it wouldn't be a review of mine without extra improvements.
  • Channel banner: Your banner looks really good but sadly the Check Out... part on the right is out of the banner so I can't read it. Try moving that in a bit or remove it.
  • Thumbnails: What I love seeing on your channel is the consistent branding template. It's also funny how you seem to have noticed that putting it on the right bottom corner was a terrible idea :p Keep that branding up though!
  • Channel page: I think you've understood how that page works. The only thing I'd improve on though would be swapping out popular uploads with speed arts playlists. Make the Speed arts appear on top of the channel in a vertical list and put popular videos on the bottom in a horizontal fashion.
  • About Section: perfect.
  • Links: Good.
Not much to say here, the channel is pretty good.

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate the honesty! I was actually aware of the check out part being cut off, but it is only on non 1080p monitors. I am working on a new banner and that should be up sometime soon.


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
i'd like one
You'll get one.
(Disclaimer: These reviews are honest and I'll express what I think you should improve on. If I stomp a channel to the ground don't take it as a personal attack. I'll tell you what You should do and hope you take it into consideration. It's for your own growth.)
So, after getting a first impression of your channel I think you could have way more subs than you do.
  • Channel page: using a best of as a channel trailer is really good. I think you should also put your best of playlist directly below it. Also, sort that playlist by time released as the parts don't line up.
  • Thumbnails: Great. 10/10.
Nothing to say really, just try putting yourself out there a lot through social media and you'll grow a lot :p

BluEdge Chekpoint

Respected User
Freedom! Member
To get a review on your channel, post in the replies of this post. Eventually inlude a channel link too. I make lengthy reviews that I hope help some of you out.

Not much to say here, just here to help you guys grow.
So what are you waiting for? Ask for a review down below and you'll get one.

I will mostly be going through Metadata, About section, channel page, trailer, GFX, upload schedule and a bit more.

Mind reviewing us? Greatly appreciate it.


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Mind reviewing us? Greatly appreciate it.
  • Trailer
    Really good channel trailer. Really caught my attention. Though it didn't really say what you guys were ultimately uploading.
  • Titles and Thumbnails
    The thumbnails are different every time. That's good. They only lack one thing from making them perfect though: BRANDING. Put your logo in some corner (except the bottom right one) on every thumbnail and it'll help people find your videos. See this video to know how to use it:
    (skip to 33s to get into the action)
  • Playlists
    Clean the playlists up a bit and make more variety in them. Make a cards against humanity one, make an Overwatch one, just MAKE MORE PLAYLISTS. Also, the current ones you have are partially a disaster of private and deleted videos. Please.
  • About section
    Fill it up! There's nothing about you guys in there!
  • Videos
    You have an intro, that's kinda nice, but 15 SECONDS? That's way too long tbh, though the rest of the videos are high quality, some may be quite long.

    I'm only going through the description of your latest video here:
    Players: Raphael, Jamiel, Andre, Darrin
    If you laughed and enjoyed the video, give us a thumbs up. And don't forget to comment and push that subscribe button.

    You guys have an awesome day \(*^*)/


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