Entertainment So What COD Was Better Infinite Warfare Or World At War?!?!

Adam Smith

Active Member
Freedom! Member
May 7, 2014
North East England
So a lot of people hate the new call of duty and a lot of people think it is the best thing since sliced bread. in this video I talk about the differences between Infinite warfare and an all time favourite world at war.



Rising User
Aug 15, 2014
United States
I believe this video is private. However...World At War IMO, it gave the player a great story experience that referenced off a few great films. I loved how they depicted the Pacific Theater and Eastern Front. Multiplayer was actually fun with everyone using a mix of every gun, although the MP40 was a bit OP. I think World at War's dark setting really gave it an edge over most CoD titles. Zombies was also first introduce and map/dev tools was released to the community, and started a fan passion for custom made zombie maps, by the community for the community. Its the classic boots on the ground combat, that Activision should remaster as a standalone.