Gaming Streaming Resident Evil 4 Walkthrough tonight at 8pm EST


Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 4, 2017
I will be live on Twitch streaming my first ever playthought that got me started on youtube, Resident Evil 4. This is the normal mode, but Im using a 360 controller and playing through the PS2 **Thats a rival waiting to happen lol ** Any way hope to see you all there, Im new to twitch as of now and working on a few things as I move along.

I will be streaming all playthroughs via twitch and if anyone of you know me, I do my games 100% walkthrough format, with minimum cursing, *trying to kick the habit lol* But want to be more of me playing the game, not a copy of some other youtuber or anything like that. I want this to be fun and helpful to anything that wants to play along.

I will be doing Zelda Quest as well and I will be posting more on those after this run. So you all can follow and interact with me and it can be a quest thing to work on together. I find interactive stuff with you all in the chat to be more enjoyable than making a video, waiting for a comment, and then happening to forget said comment... its really silly. Anyway hope to see you tonight or morning, or even noon where your at.

Here is my Twitch channel - Be sure to hit the follow button to be notified on upcoming events <3