Gaming Sup My dudes!

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Nadir Douar

New User
Feb 15, 2016
Your name: Nadir
(Optional) Where are you from?: I was born in the U.S. but I originate from Jordan
(Optional) How old are you?: 14
How did you find Freedom!? Well I got Overwhelmed by my channel growth and decided it was time for a partnership, and so I searched for some of the best one's out there, and settled on freedom
What made you join our forums?: I like being involved in communities
What are your hobbies?: Gaming, Rip Stiking(A skateboard with 2 wheels), and do marathons (TV shows lol)
What is your favorite food? Taco Bell, Foul, Hummus, Pizza, Oreo's,
Why did you start YouTube? I originally started it to report people on a minecraft server called mineplex, and to record raids on factions, which is a minecraft game mode, but I realized my equipment was adequate enough to be an average YouTube, so I started making gaming videos with my buddy
(Optional)What is your biggest dream? Becoming an electrical engineer (Started when I built my Computer)
What kind of channel do you run?: Gaming Videos, and tutorials
What kind of content do you upload? Lets plays and just funny videos in general
When do you upload?: 3 times a week, or at least I try with school and junk
Channel link:

Thanks For reading :)


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
Hey Nadir :) Welcome to freedom :)

being an electrical engineer would be awesome !!! Taco bell sounds good :) but never had one :(

if you have any questions just ask :D

I wish you all the best