Time To BailOut!


Active Member
Jan 4, 2016
Id Like To Thank Everyone Here For Tips And Support But I Decided To Bailout From Freedom, Its Given Me Nothing In The week I Have Been Here. All The Promises Of Growth From Day One Hasnt Happened. If Anything Its Gotten Worse. I Got More From The First 3 Days Of Doing The Channel Than I Have The Week Ive Been With Freedom. What Does Freedom REALLY Offer?? Get Real For A Minute OR Am I Missing Something. I Can Add Music For Free So I Dont Need The "FREE MUSIC" How Has It Helped Me?? If All I Get Is A Forum Ill Go Else Where. Not Being Negative Just Going With Reality For A Minute Because Im A Realist And Not A Dreamer.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Obviously I can't speak to your situation. I can speak to some of this from the standpoint of an old guy. I'm new to doing this as well. One thing life has taught me that nothing comes free for nothing and support from a community of like minded individuals can be extremely valuable.

. Perservence will serve you well, if you do this for fun and enjoy what you do. Keep putting up content, have fun, and if your fun shows through it can become infectious and will eventually catch on. A week isn't really long enough to see what might happen. Give it a bit of time and patience! [which isn't my virtue, I want my link to accept to get linked in here NOW!! It's been 24 hours. ;)]

Have you asked people to review your channel, look at your videos, and give you blunt and honest feedback?

Don't let frustration get the best of you and hang in there. I'm sure folks here can help us both become better at this and grow.

Just my .02 worth, your mileage may vary!



Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Nov 25, 2015
Id Like To Thank Everyone Here For Tips And Support But I Decided To Bailout From Freedom, Its Given Me Nothing In The week I Have Been Here. All The Promises Of Growth From Day One Hasnt Happened. If Anything Its Gotten Worse. I Got More From The First 3 Days Of Doing The Channel Than I Have The Week Ive Been With Freedom. What Does Freedom REALLY Offer?? Get Real For A Minute OR Am I Missing Something. I Can Add Music For Free So I Dont Need The "FREE MUSIC" How Has It Helped Me?? If All I Get Is A Forum Ill Go Else Where. Not Being Negative Just Going With Reality For A Minute Because Im A Realist And Not A Dreamer.

I see a lot of threads. Freedom give you the tools/tips/knowledge and then you put them into place.

Did you expect freedom to just gain you tons of subs etc lol?
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Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
Dude , don't just expect to come and gain subs , it wont work like this , freedom isn't a place where you come and everyone subs , its a place to put some videos on but most important gain new friends and knowledge , you have to put this knowledge to good use , I have gained over 100 subs from doing this :) I don't know what else to say really


Active Member
Jan 4, 2016
what tools do you gain then??? am i missing something here. half the tools out there you can get without joining a network etc. i just dont think its ideal for someone who has just started to join. im not doing anything wrong. my marketing ideas are the same as i did with the other channel i have on youtube. thats got over 720 subs and over 300k views. but its not the channel i want to use all the time, it was setup as a part time hobby. it even has a facebook group too.
I guess im not seeing the same tools everyone else are seeing :(
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Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
what tools do you gain then??? am i missing something here. half the tools out there you can get without joining a network etc. i just dont think its ideal for someone who has just started to join. im not doing anything wrong. my marketing ideas are the same as i did with the other channel i have on youtube. thats got over 720 subs and over 300k views. but its not the channel i want to use all the time, it was setup as a part time hobby. it even has a facebook group too.
I guess im not seeing the same tools everyone else are seeing :(

to be honest , the tools I think are music and different sub networks and things such as heartbeat to help you with tags and so on but what I don't get is if your other channel has done so well and you know what to do why join freedom and then complain its not helping you ?


Active Member
Jan 4, 2016
because i joined hoping this would help my new channel grow. i knew people who were interested in my other channel so it grew pretty fast. with gaming i dont know anyone my age who play video games. they are grown up and married with hundreds of kids. all it seems to be is kids who play video games, i find it harder. also i joined freedom as i was kind of intrigue by it all and all the so called promises of growth etc. im at the point now im going to just quit doing it. im putting out a video a day every single day and streaming on twitch and im getting nothing from it. MAYBE its the game im playing who knows. maybe no one likes team fortress 2.


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
freedom is a place where tips are given , its helped me grow a lot , Maybe change the game your playing and its going to be a lot harder to get subs , I am losing and gaining subs all the time , I was on 138 now went down to 134 but now back to 136 its all part of this backwards and forward game but you have to stick with it , it isn't going to happen over night , maybe uploading every day is to much as well , it blocks up your channel you need to give people time to watch videos ,

if you think going solo is better then its up to you but having freedom here is good I think because there are loads of people I have talked to about games and just becoming friends is good and people start to notice this , I agree freedom might not have many tools but not many networks do , they can offer advice and much more but apart from that not a lot ,

I mean sponsors are great buy you need to be big for this. problem with youtube now a days is people think it will just happen BOOM 100k subs , I used to think that and I got no where , youtube is like playing a MMO you have to grind and your get there its all about time and slowly upgrading and this will help , gaming is very hard for people to get involved with , maybe change the gam your playing for a while and see how it goes , that's all I can say


Active Member
Jan 4, 2016
sorry folks, had a meltdown. it really pi**es me off when you spend hours recording, editing uploading and doing thumbnails and people give you thumbs down. :( :( really kinda upset me. my daughter said dad your channel has lots of thumbs down. i checked yesterday and i had them on almost all my videos :( im going to pay on facebook to get people to my page. i did this with my business and i gained lots of work this way... So i think maybe it will drive people to my channel too. as delboy says. HE WHO DARES...... WINS lol.

sorry for being a pain in the anus
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Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Nov 25, 2015
YouTube can be annoying. Could be someone giving you thumbs down on purpose without even watching the video can happen on YouTube lol


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
sorry folks, had a meltdown. it really pi**es me off when you spend hours recording, editing uploading and doing thumbnails and people give you thumbs down. :( :( really kinda upset me. my daughter said dad your channel has lots of thumbs down. i checked yesterday and i had them on almost all my videos :( im going to pay on facebook to get people to my page. i did this with my business and i gained lots of work this way... So i think maybe it will drive people to my channel too. as delboy says. HE WHO DARES...... WINS lol.

sorry for being a pain in the anus

Don't worry about it dude , Thumbs down can upset me as well , like you said all this editing and stuff takes a while then thumbs down , but it doesn't matter who you are everyone gets it , keep that head held high and go for it !!!!


Active Member
Jan 4, 2016
ive created a facebook group. so people can join and share videos etc. i will see how that works out. facebook is the biggest social network and about 80% of the world lives on it. if i can get just 0.5% of facebook members to join id be happy. so marketing will start now.

Also im going to do a video every Mon, Weds and Fri and do the twitch streaming on a sat and sun night.
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Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
ive created a facebook group. so people can join and share videos etc. i will see how that works out. facebook is the biggest social network and about 80% of the world lives on it. if i can get just 0.5% of facebook members to join id be happy. so marketing will start now.

Also im going to do a video every Mon, Weds and Fri and do the twitch streaming on a sat and sun night.

yeah that is good , do not do it every day , give them a small break , I wish you all the best :)
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Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
Other networks would only supply you with a slightly higher revenue share but given the popularity of your content, you probably won't be able to contend to the minimum requirements of other networks.

You must work hard to get anywhere on YouTube, and leaning on other people for support isn't going to help, no matter the kind of support. If they give you something, use it. You'd have a hard time finding anything just as good elsewhere.


The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
When i joined the network if i remember right i was around 70 subs. With all the tips and help i gained and people i got to know i have gotten to the point where now a year later i'm at 200+
The growth you have to work for yourself, freedom offers tools in order to help but the main thing is on your own side.