Community Tips and Help Skype Group!


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Dec 23, 2015
Hello people!

I´m making a skype group, where people can give tips on shared video´s, and have a nice chat and tips how to grow :)
This is gonna be an active group where we can help eachother, and give eachother nice feedback :)
Where you guys post your newest videos to get nice comments on it :) and tips how to make it better :)

If your willing to become part of the Skype community and grow together then send a request to IDubHD with a comment: Freedom Group!

The group is gonna be in 2 parts:
1. with the general chat, where you guys can have a nice talk and provide tips :)
2. o chat where you only is allowed to post the link to your newest video :)

1. You need to comment on all videos ;) or else you cant expect other people to do it on your videos
2. Subscrbe to everybody in the group ;) to help them get larger. (cant check this, but i trust you guys)
3. Like the videos, to make them more populer :)