Recent content by Anthomnia

  1. Anthomnia

    So.. Anyone alive?

    It's been quite some time since i last saw these forums. How goes it freedom? I see a lot of new people and some older familiar faces. ( Here's looking at you, Steamed.) How've things been around here?
  2. Anthomnia

    Other Milestone Getting Older and Gaming

    Keep the grind up man. Nice work.
  3. Anthomnia

    Subscriber Milestone 1,000 Subs Strong! :D

    As the subs go up the feeling does too keep the grind going!
  4. Anthomnia

    Off-Topic Hey I know SUB4SUB is bad and everyone shouldn't do it, But i'm really trying to get to 100k

    Sub4Sub never works. You will gain a channel that looks popular but have no audience at all and trust me, Having a channel with 100,000 subscribers but only getting 400-600 views a video will make you look like a joke.
  5. Anthomnia

    YouTube Youtube Tags title and SEO

    A good tag is one that is searched A LOT and you manage to get your video pinged with. If people are searching Superman fights Batman and you use that as your title and tag youtube will give you a high traffic key word string and give you suggested views.
  6. Anthomnia

    Subscriber Milestone 90,000 Subscriber goal!

    Just hit 90,000 subscribers and my mind is totally blown. This year has been so wild for me from winning a lawsuit i pushed forward for compensation to youtube becoming a full time and allowing me to follow my dream job full time. It's been a incredible road and 100,000 is just around the...
  7. Anthomnia

    Calling quits about YouTube.

    If you don't record and post trending games you will be stuck with analytics like that. You HAVE to post trending games and find a niche when starting out.
  8. Anthomnia

    What it's like to be a full time Youtube content creator.

    Many of you reading this either hope youtube becomes a full time job for you or you're working towards it being full time. Either fame or money drive you or just your passion to create videos. I'm going to give you my input being a full time content creator and my experiences. Being full time...
  9. Anthomnia

    Subscriber Milestone 2,000 Subscribers!

    Keep pushing. The first few thousand is the hardest to achieve.
  10. Anthomnia

    Upload Milestone Finally had courage to post

    Everyone feels insecure when they post their first video but you quickly grow out of it and begin posting more. We've all been there and we all get past it. Don't let it stop you from whatever it is you're chasing with Youtube. Take it from me you WILL find your voice and confidence. It just...
  11. Anthomnia

    Other Milestone My first channel dislikes!

    Dislikes are going to happen. Don't feel discouraged. When you get dislikes consistently you've made it :P
  12. Anthomnia

    Subscriber Milestone 10 subs!

    Double turns to triple in a hurry ;)