
  1. LW

    Forums Chat caching (NERD RANT)

    Nerdy thread incoming To start off, I have no issue in caching a website in general. It's a great way to serve static pages faster and save hella bandwidth to the server. Though I have an issue about it. Stop caching the chat. As I've said above, caching is great for static pages or...
  2. LW

    Forums Some ideas for the credit system

    Hey everyone! I've come here to make a short nice post with a few ideas I've had for the credit system recently! I really like the system as it is currently, these are just some ideas that would possibly make it more fun or interesting to get: Some competitive aspect to it. By that I mean...
  3. LW

    Tips & Tricks [GUIDE] Getting Browser Alerts for the Forums

    Welcome to a small Guide on telling you how to set up Browser notifications for these Forums! These are the strategies that have allowed me to be this active on here and I'm happy to share them with you! Please note this Guide will be using Google Chrome to work. There may be some things like...
  4. Crazylawrence

    FFF Freedom! Forum Fridays - 30th December 2016

    Hello Freedom! Family! Christmas has been and gone, but we still have things now and soon to come which we will be celebrating. Before we start, we have been receiving a lot of requests for partners to be unlinked and we would like to remind all of you that the contract that you accepted when...
  5. Jobless Music

    Solved Community Name

    Is it possible to change your name in the Freedom! Forums? I recently decided to switch my main channels around since my main channel isn't very effective anymore. I'd like to know if I can change my username on here.
  6. Ashley SilverDust

    Community Freedom! Community Wrap Up

    Hello, everybody! I'm back to recap another week! November is almost over. That was quick! It’s time to check up on what the community and Freedom! have been up to. I’ll gather the goodies, then we’ll dive in together! What is the “Community” tab? @itsjustjord started a discussion about the...
  7. Ashley SilverDust

    Community Freedom! Community Wrap Up

    Hello, everybody! I'm back to recap another week! November is going by quickly. Today we’ll catch up on things around the forums, see what news YouTube might have for us, and take a peek at recent topics and videos from Freedom! Central last week! Movember Contest ends soon! Please...
  8. Ashley SilverDust

    Community Community Team Weekly Wrap Up

    Hello everybody! Suddenly it's mid-November and time is flying by quick! It was an active week for Freedom! and the community. We'll catch up on important forum posts, check out Official YouTube blog posts, and see what content you might have missed on Freedom! Central. October's MotM...
  9. M

    Forums Forums suggestion

    Hello, No offence but I found this forum not decorativery and a nice place to be. I can't put any links but the site is called Hypixel . net This is a forum made with the same software and they have banners. Colourful and looks legit. Could you guys make the forum like that one?
  10. Ashley SilverDust

    Community Community Team Weekly Wrap Up

    Hello, everybody! Happy November! Another week goes by, and I'm back again to share the Freedom! Community Team's perspective. Today we'll catch up on some things around the forums, peek at some important articles, discuss some general updates, and finally we will take a close look at a recent...
  11. Ashley SilverDust

    Community Community Team Weekly Wrap Up

    Hello, everybody! I hope that everyone who celebrates the spookiest holiday, has a Happy Halloween! I cannot resist the urge to use a special theme for this week's Wrap Up. I hope you will enjoy this special "Trick-or-Treat" edition! I've been gathering goodies from the forums and from Freedom...
  12. M

    Website hosting

    Hello, I wanted to know which website was used to make Freedom! And Freedom community. Or was it make with java? Eg.Wix
  13. Ashley SilverDust

    Community Community Team Weekly Wrap Up

    Hello, everybody! Hope you had a good week! We've got plenty of things to discuss today! Lots of forum goodies, features that updated, videos to check out, community team news, and of course a recap of the big announcement George made! Let's Wrap Up This Week! October's contest ends soon! You...
  14. Ashley SilverDust

    Community Community Team Weekly Wrap Up

    Hello, everybody! Hope you had a decent week. I would like to focus mainly on the Freedom! forums for this wrap up. I really appreciate all of you that keep coming back, interact with these posts, and provide great feedback and insights. So, this one's for you! Let's Wrap Up This Week...
  15. AmblerA


    WHEN is the next Fable game coming out? I have been waiting for bloody ages and, when they released the newest one only for Xbox Kinect, so when is there going to be a proper Fable for PS4?! Like the good old fable games...
  16. Ashley SilverDust

    Community Community Team Weekly Wrap Up

    Hello, everybody! October is off to a great start! From the week of October 2nd to October 9th we've got lots to recap and I have a lot of things to share with you! Forum announcements, YouTube features rolling out, polishing projects, tips, updates, videos, & more! Let's Wrap Up This Week...
  17. Row

    Forums Member of the Month! (September)

    Hey Freedom Family! It is time to announce the Member of the month for September! And this month's Motm is.. @Showcase One Media Been a very helpful member, active on our chat and very helpful around our support section! Visit their main site or view their Inspire Films' channel here. To...
  18. Ashley SilverDust

    Community Community Team Weekly Wrap Up

    Happy October! I have a feeling it is going to be a good month. I think it's off to a pretty good start for the Freedom! family. Find out about the Dashboard updates, an announcement about a community team member, FTU updates, progress with the Minecraft server, & more! Let's wrap up this week...
  19. Ashley SilverDust

    Community Community Team Weekly Wrap Up

    Hello again, Freedom! Family, I hope everyone's had a great weekend. We've got quite a bit of buzz to babble about this time. From forum news, gaming news, upcoming projects, and follow ups - to notification changes, great comments, GG, and translations; we better just get started! Let's wrap...
  20. Ashley SilverDust

    Community Community Team Weekly Wrap Up

    Hello everybody, hope you're all doing well! We've got several things to cover this week. The George Show returned on Freedom! Central; we'll look at a few of the early comments. But first, some forum members deserve to be mentioned. Also, there's a couple more broad topics I'd like to cover...