
  1. HealPleaseHeal

    Review4Review A Healer Request Some Healing Reviews

    Ok... that title might make no sense, but primarily what I'm looking for is great minds to share their thoughts and opinions on my channel. I've been at it for a little bit now after I revamped my look earlier in the year, and have kept a steady upload pace with several series and let's plays...
  2. Austin MS

    Request Could I get some reviews on my channel in general?

    Channel Link: Hey guys it's me, OmegaGaming! I am trying to get into the whole YouTube thing, and I am just requesting a few reviews on how I can improve or get better.
  3. X3 & Friends

    Community Looking for an animator.

    Hello my name is Danny. I run a channel called X3 & Friends with a few buds of mine. Recently we lost one of our 2D animators due to lack of time, So now we are currently looking for a new one to animate our show In Five Minutes Or Less (FMOL). In FMOL we do reviews of various things, from games...
  4. Jonesie

    Service Review for Review

    Hello everyone! My name is Jonesie, and I created a new Youtube channel... I would love for some people to give me input/feedback on the video I posted, but since I'm new to this forum, I was restricted from the official "review for review" page. If you give me feedback on my new channel/video...
  5. FreelanceSeven

    Gaming Hey everyone, my name is FreelanceSeven

    Hey guys, my name is FreelanceSeven, I am a 19 year old youtuber from California and I just like to make people laugh and have fun, which I think joining Freedom will help me do! I found this group out from a friend, but I didn't think much of it, then a recruiter emailed me, asking if I wanted...
  6. KushalGamer


    I wanna be noticed on YouTube! lol well if you came then comment below and ill check out your channel! I am a kind of person that says weird thing that might help your channel! Then if you want to review mines! TO tell you the truth I get crazy in my videos! lol
  7. Genova

    Unboxings & Reviews BEYBLADE VALKYRIE WING ACCEL UNBOXING (B - 01) Starter + TEST - BEYBLADE BURST ベイブレードバースト!

    Today we have beyblade burst valkyrie wing accel,best unboxing Beyblade Burst (ベイブレードバースト Beiburēdo Bāsuto?) is a Japanese Manga and toyline created by Hiro Morita, originally based on Takara Tomy's Beyblade Franchise. The third incarnation of the series after the Metal Fight saga, the toyline...
  8. stevicity

    Offering In-depth Video Analysis

    I'm looking to break-down some of your videos into a tailored review personal to you giving you my experience in YouTube, SEO, graphic design, language and the ability to convey messages through speech and channel engagement with its' audience. All your reviews will be done using this template...
  9. Crazylawrence

    Offering Reviewing your entire channel [English Language Only]

    Hey Freedom family! Oh I have said that phrase way too much recently.. Anyway, I notice the new contest is for In-depth reviews for other channels, and I think it is time I join in with one, but this is not only for prizes, we are the Freedom family (Here we go again..) and we should work...
  10. LieutenantT1tan

    Gaming NEW YOUTUBER! (LieutenantTitan)

    I would like to welcome you to my first thread on freedom and my YouTube channel, LieutenantTitan. I have been watching many YouTube videos for years now and I have always liked the idea of making my own channel so I can entertain an audience of people. I made LieutenantTitan last week and the...
  11. WayTooTech

    Tech WayTooTech | My Brand New Channel

    Hey Guys! My name is WayTooTech but you can call me Jose! I recently just opened a channel on reviewing technology, creating gaming PC's, and unboxing the latest technology! I am very dedicated to make my channel grow. Even though I don't have a wide audience of viewers or subscribers, I am...
  12. Anthony Henao

    Gaming Hey guys I am making a Group for Gamers

    hey guys my channel SpideyAHGamer YT might not be big but if you want I want to grow along with you, we can all help each other out, pretty much what I want to do is create a Group for Gamers the Average Gamer, called Average Gamers. We can work together collab on vids, just work together in...
  13. IndieBin

    Request Looking for Critique: Help Me Improve!

    Hey guys! So recently, my channel's been growing well. I've had a few subs and my videos have been getting goodish views for a channel size like mine. What I'm NOT getting is comments. I still feel I'm not funny enough, that my videos lack polish. But I don't know what to work/concentrate on...
  14. GoldenGame 16

    Review4Review i have worked 6 h to edit this pls make a review

  15. Alejandro Humphreys

    Tech Hello everyone!

    Hi Everyone!!! I'm Alejandro and I decided to make a new Youtube channel where I do unboxing, reviews but not in a plain boring format, trying to do something unique and more vivid. My Youtube channel is SnakewarTV
  16. iGoDZoFLuiGii

    VIDEO GAME REVIEWS | New series started up, need support.

    Hi everyone. Ive started a new series on my channel, where I will be reviewing video games from my Childhood and more modern games, but starting to forcus on games from NES, N64, Atari 2600, Sega, PS1, PS2 systems and more recent ones. Ive already covered Black ops 3 for Last Gen (PS3 & Xbox...
  17. HealPleaseHeal

    Review4Review Want Reviews, I Need Reviews, Let's Review Together... Naked

    Hey guys.. ignore the title, i'm not reviewing your channel naked.... or am i? Pretty simple, I will be happy to give you a detailed review if you do the same with me. Would love to get opinions on my videos, commentary, me pretty face and anything else your can think of with my icon, banner...

    Educational my name is David I have a channel of tricks and apps for android.

    Hi all, I have a channel applications, games, cheats and reviews for Android phones, I hope my channel can be helpful for you to give a touch of style to your Android device
  19. Valence Productions

    PC Join Valence Productions! PC Gaming Group Channel (Mature 16+)

    Salutations to all here on Freedom! My name is Symphonia, I'm 18 years of age and the founder and leader of Valence Productions, a gaming group focused on providing unique, informative and entertaining gaming content to a well catered audience. We intend to broadcast and record a variety of...
  20. C


    Hello friends, I have a YouTube channel called Coffee For Fox where I make tech and tutorials as well as a lot of entertaining and fun videos like gaming, challenges, vlogs and more! I promise that I will try my best to keep you entertained and happy. Please show your support and subscribe by...