Entertainment What is up Freedom family! My name is Dinster :)


New User
Jun 15, 2016
What is up, Freedom fam? It is I, It is me, It is Dinster! I joined the YouTube family roughly 12 days ago and I love seeing my channel grow day after day because of amazing youtube viewers. I make videos every day and I speak about topics such as Chasing your dreams, Success & Fitness. Every other day I expose myself to the memory lane and re-play a childhood favorite game of mine in a series that I call 'Retro Gamer'. These are some of the cool things I have in store for my channel and I am super stoked to join the Freedom family and exchange videos with other amazing content creators and maybe even collab!

Who am I talking to here? State your name, channel and a little bit about yourself below and I will check out your channels as well! :)

Dinster over and out! (Dinster on YouTube)